Chebucto Community
CCN Board Minutes
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Chebucto Board
May 14, 2009 Board Minutes
Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2009
- Bernie Hart
- Marilyn MacDonald
- Michael Marshall
- Kent Murray
- Johnathan Thibodeau
- Alan Turner
- Jeff Warnica
- Andrew D. Wright
- Richard Connolly
- Mary Rigby
- Max Russell
- Joe Thomas
Minutes of last meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6.35 pm. Bernie welcomed the new
members and called for introductions around the table.
Moved by Kent, seconded my Michael that the current executive continue in
office until the fall when the situation will be reviewed. Carried.
Approval of the April minutes was deferred until the June board meeting.
Committee Reports
Financial Report
Alan presented the financial report. Though we are doing slightly better
than projected, the shortfall in individual memberships continues. ADP has
made a mistake in overpayment to Andrew which will be corrected. ADP has
made similar mistakes in the past and has been requested to ensure that
steps be taken to see that such errors do not re-occur. Moved by Alan,
seconded by Kent that the financial report be accepted. Carried.
Technical Report
Johnathan presented the technical report. New equipment has been purchased
for Fenwick which should make the wireless service more reliable. Repairs
have been done on the hard drives for the main server but they have not
been completely successful and more work will be needed.
High volumes of spam pose a continuing problem.
Joe Howe Manor
Johnathan has visited Joseph Howe Manor and staff there are agreeable to
work we propose to do on the building to set up the wireless service as
long as the work is well done.
Bernie has scheduled a meeting with a representative of HRSDC to outline
our proposed application for a funding grant for the Joe Howe project and
to seek input and advice. There are problems in aligning the project with
the needs defined by the provincial secretariat. However, if the Howe
project doesn't fly, other grant programs may be identified.
The Hub
Bernie has attended a meeting regarding the Hub on Barrington Street. This
is a small business co-operative paid for collectively by members and
available for community functions at low cost. There may be an opportunity
to market Chebucto services such as web space. Michael and Jeff will
attend the next meeting with Bernie.
Convenience store promotion
The Corner Store project needs a letter to members to be sent, recruiting
people who will promote the project at stores in their own neighbourhoods.
This could be followed up by a meeting with prospective promoters.
Serving Seniors
Alan outlined the objectives of the Serving Seniors group which Chebucto
has recently joined. One advantage to us will he the ability to
participate as part of the group in events such as home shows which should
increase our visibility.
Other business
Jeff questioned whether StatsCan might be able to provide useful
information on Internet usage in HRM.
Chebucto's 15th Anniversary
Chebucto's 15th anniversary: Bernie will contact Wayne Anstey of HRM about
some official acknowledgment of this event. Andrew proposed that a
barbecue be held at the Chase building as a public celebration.
Next meeting
On motion by Alan, the meeting adjourned at 7.55 pm
Next meeting: June 11/09