"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Bob Ruohoniemi, Editor, 6939Hwy 1 Ardoise, RR 1 Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0
phone (902) 757-3884 email:
APRIL 2005 -- NUMBER 122
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Editor's Comments:
There were a few items missed in the last BT as the change ineditors took place. Those are included in this edition.A group of dedicated volunteers attended a seminar to discussthe marketing of square dancing in Nova Scotia.The co-chair, Dottie Welch, has written a complete review ofthe current status of the activity and a summary ofsuggestions for effective marketing in the province. A copy forall clubs is enclosed with this edition.It is hoped to produce another BT for May. Any suggestions orsubmissions are welcome and should be receivedby 15 April. Photos are always welcome and should be sent asEmail - JPEG format, or by snail-mail.******************************************************
A Hawaiian Christmas
On a brisk, mid- December evening the Highland Squares,Stellarton, celebrated "A Hawaiian Christmas". The hall wasdecorated throughout with vases of poinsettia, a flower thatgrows along the coast of the Hawaiian Island of Kona. Postersof the members of the Highland Squares on fantasy vacationsin the Islands could be seen on the walls.
As each guest arrived, they were welcomed by Jack & Dolores MacArthur and in the tradition of the Islands weregiven a Hawaiian lei. Also given was a special badge for the evening with their name in Hawaiian and a wordconnected with the Christmas season. During the evening, guests were asked to circulate and collect all the Hawaiiantranslations of those words. These badges were personally designed by club member Robert Partington.
Caller Ed Giles got the festivities underway with his upbeat style and everyone on the dance floor. Cuer, Kitty Gileskept the momentum going when she ably led the dancers through the evening's round dances. Jack MacArthur, a localcaller, in his special style called alternate tips with Ed, much to the enjoyment of the dancers. A highlight came as Jackand his former calling buddy, Herb Muir, treated those present with a Christmas duet reminiscent of Christmasespassed.
At intermission, our club dancers, amused those present, with an impromptu hula. It is customary that the hula tell astory, and this one, written by Dolores MacArthur and read by Lola Patterson was no exception. Some of the guestsjoined the group now known as the 'happy hula hooligans'. Much fun was had by viewers and participants. Prizes wereawarded for those guests in Hawaiian costumes. Winners were: Mens first: Emile Bouds. Ladies first: Diane Fleck.Most colourful couple: Grant & Annamae Thompson, and taking the prize for most original was Bev Forsythe.
Laughter greeted the debate on the subject, "Is Santa a Woman"/Is Santa a Man". Lola Patterson took the women'sside and Jack MacArthur upheld the argument for the men. The verdict on this topic, it is safe to say, is still pending!Throughout the evening, prizes were given for the Hawaiian word mixer. In random draws the winners were: DianeBoudreau, Toni Fleck, Bonnie McKay, Phyllis Fiddes and Clarence Fitzherbert. The story teller for the HighlandSquares, Anna Mae Thompson told the amusing story of two Hawaiian lovers who managed to sing, "We wish you amerry Christmas". A special presentation to Kitty Giles on the occasion of her birthday, was made by DoloresMacArthur.
Santa arrives in Hawaii in a red, outrigger canoe propelled by dolphins, magic of course. But we suspect ourHawaiian Santa arrived in this hall by elevator. Wearing the traditional Hawaiian Santa outfit of an aloha shirt, shortsand sporting a Santa hat and white beard, he looked suspiciously like club member, Marshall Dunn. From his Santa'asack, each 'boy' and 'girl' present, received a gift.
Social convenor, Paula Marshall and club members served a buffet style lunch with Hawaiian foods such aspineapple, coconuts, etc.
At the close of the evening, "alohas" were said and a "Mele Kalikimaka" (Merry Christmas) wished to all. Page 2******************************************************
Roger Whynot - By Dottie Welch
After Roger left Nova Scotia he lived for several years in New England. During the seventies he called for a groupin Belmont, Massachusetts. My parents were members of that group and during 1973-1974 Gary and I danced withthem for our first year of square dancing together. Roger had a small group of live musicians who played traditionalmusic for us. He called simple squares using perhaps 30 of the basic moves and lots of contras including some complextriples. In 1974 we moved to Nova Scotia. Looking for a way to meet people we decided to continue square dancingand began modern square dance classes with the Bee Squares. So Roger was an important influence in determining ourpath into the square dance world. And the circle comes around as we are now enjoying a revival of traditional musicand contra dancing.
Roger wrote many contras including some still available on Lloyd Shaw records with Roger prompting on one side.Some of his best are Come and See Me, Fletcher's Folly, O.A.T.A. Reel, Star & Promenade Contra and Sue's Delight.******************************************************
by Ron and Dot Connell
The single September start time for classes has been strongly suggested as a reason for losing a number of potentialdancers. Perhaps we should look back at the formative stages of the Metro Merry Makers, and their resultingmembership of about 100. They did this by having multiple start times for classes during the year, thus 'closing thesale' when the customer was enthusiastic about joining. Their very successful staggered approach to timing of newclasses was accomplished by the use of three callers.
When we all start most classes at the same time, we dilute the number of prospects for any one club and lose out onother potential customers the rest of the year. There must be a way in which we could cooperate with each other to awin-win situation. If each club could agree to start a class at one of say, September, or November, or January, orMarch, then members of all clubs could direct an interested person to the next available class. We would all gain byattracting more dancers and having less of the one or two couple classes in various places at the same time. It's a win-win situation.
The down side may be that some clubs may gain more than others. This would be the luck of the draw. Some clubsmay put in more effort at the time of 'their' class. Clubs and callers should discuss this "almost can't lose" proposal andsend their comments to their Metro Association or Federation Reps.******************************************************
Gaylan Ritchie (1931 - 2005)
On March 10th Gaylan Ritchie, wife of Alex, passed away. Alex became involved in square and round dancing afterGaylan was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in the 1970's. Although she was unable to participate in the dancing asher mobility decreased through her long struggle with the disease, she was the cheerful voice on the telephone and theencouraging presence behind Alex's years of service to our community as cuer, editor, treasurer and helpful organizer.With her degrees in English and Library Science and love of the performing arts and music, it is certain that she wasable to offer Alex lots of support over the years.
Her ready wit and practical determination to deal with challenges, allowed them each to maintain active involvementin the organizations most important to them. Although her personal interest was elsewhere, she gave a great deal tosquare dancing through her willingness to share Alex with us, and her patience in waiting for him to return from hismany meetings and dances. On behalf of all those dancers who could not attend the service at Saint James UnitedChurch, we express our condolences and support to Alex and their family during this sad time.
(Written by Dottie Welch)******************************************************
The rest of this issue of "Between Tips" consists of the"Marketing Seminar Report"
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